User Acquisition Under Crisis

How do you deal with mobile game marketing and user acquisition when there are big environmental changes?

Not just coronavirus, but what if gacha boxes get regulated? What if real money gaming cannibalizes social casino games? What if a new game mode or even external new game (hello Auto Chess!) starts to cannibalize or modify your games ARPU curve?

The objective of this discussion is to talk about how we should be thinking about big environmental changes impact to UA spend. What are the factors to consider? Can we build a generalized framework? What should the playbook look like?

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As we discuss these issues and more.

Content Overview:

  • 0:30 Problem Definition: UA Under Big Changes

  • 2:40 Specific: Coronavirus Impact on UA

  • 8:50 Coronavirus Winners & Losers

  • 14:40 Building a General UA Framework

  • 23:30 UA Integration with Product + Management 32:00 Key Takeaways for UA Teams


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