The GameMakers 1st Drunk Game Awards Show for 2021 | LFG!

We review the best and worst in F2P game dev for 2021 all the while drinking.

Ok, please do not cancel any of us!

Invitation: The GameMakers Inaugural Drunk Game Awards Show for 2021

If you don’t have any plans this Friday (as in tomorrow), please join us! It should be informal and hopefully fun.

This is happening LIVE this Friday 1/7/2022 (tomorrow) at 3:30 PM PST.

Of course, this event is incredibly well-planned (lol) and will absolutely not be a train wreck! I hope…

Anyway, we have a great speaker crew joining us including:

Sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime event, which may happen again every year below!

See you tomorrow!

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